Daytona State’s student newspaper In Motion dominates competition . . . again
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (October 19, 2012) - For the third consecutive year, Daytona State College’s student newspaper In Motion earned top honors in the Florida College System Publications Association Newspaper Competition.
The awards were announced at the association’s 53rd annual conference held this month in Daytona Beach. In Motion, which published its first edition in 1991, has dominated the yearly competition for the last decade, placing first overall seven times and second three times.
Elena Jarvis, a journalism professor and co-advisor to the student newspaper, attributed its quality and success to the support of the college administration and a collaborative commitment various academic departments make in recruiting students to participate. “Everybody chips in,” she said. “They search for their best students and encourage them to become involved.
Jarvis added that In Motion students in general are an idealistic bunch. “They want to make a difference in the world and they see that media is open to everybody of all means.”
Dean of Co-Curricular Activities Bruce Cook, who also is a co-advisor to the newspaper, said the publication doubles as a learning laboratory for students. “After every issue comes out, we do a thorough critique, which serves as a good learning tool for the students, especially for those who have an interest in media and journalism as a career,” he said.
Illustrator Jacob Linn was honored with an Inner Circle Award for placing in three categories: Illustration, 1st place; Comic Strip, 1st place; and Editorial Cartoon, 2nd place.
Other Daytona State awardees were:
• Austin King, 1st place, Editorial; 2nd place, General Column
• Amy Fouraker, 3rd place, Feature Story
• Quenby Sheree, 1st place, Picture Story; 3rd place, Arts Review
• Orion Christy, 2nd place, Humor Writing
• Thomas Lynn, 2nd place, Sports Writing; 3rd place, News Story
• Emelia Hitchner, 2nd place, In-Depth Reporting
• Shaun Haugh, 2nd place, Sports Photo
• Denise Hayes, 1st place, Design; 3rd place, Ad Design
• Lance Rothwell, 1st place, News Photo
• Preston McCready, 3rd place, Feature Photo
Daytona State’s student literary publication Aeolus finished fourth overall in the
magazine competition. Award-winning contributors included:
• Denise Hayes and Erika Rech, 3rd place, Staff Page
• Emelia Grace, 3rd place, Editing
• Madison Kinney, 2nd place, Illustration with Text (Individual)
• Robert Arroyo, Genesis Ball, Robert Fuller, Denise Hayes, Sarah Nardandrea, Lisa
Swearingen, Jordan Unatin, 3rd place, Illustrations with Text
• Ericka Rech, 1st place, Photo
• Denise Hayes, Chelsea Perez, Quenby Sheree, 2nd place, Photography